About Us
Hull All Risks, Airside/ Airport, General Aviation
FLEXA Perils, All Risks Cover, Business Interruption
Construction/ Erection All Risks, Third Party Liability, Public Liability
All types of Surety Bonds, Credit Coverages
Cyber Liability insurance provides coverage for the Insured against losses which arise as a result of damage to or loss from their IT systems and network.
Upstream, Midstream, Downstream, Physical Damage, Business Interruption
Cyber, Directors & Officers, Professional Indemnity
Private and Corporate Fine Art collections, Exhibitions, Transits of Art
Employee Benefits Solutions
General Liability, Products Liability, Environmental Liability, Weather & Agriculture (Crop)
Hull, Machinery & War, Protection & Indemnity (P&I), Ports & Terminals, Cargo
Terrorist Event, War, Civil War, Strikes, Riots, Civil Commotion, Rebellion and others.
All types of bespoke Business Insurance, tailored to specific requirements.
Motor Truck Cargo (MTC) and Automobile Physical Damage (APD), Cargo and Logistics Liability, Freight Forwarders Legal Liability
Quota Share Programs, Excess of Loss Programs, Lineslips, Fronting Arrangements